Naloxone (Narcan) Training
Overdose Prevention
You can learn how to recognize and stop an overdose. While loving someone who uses opioids can feel overwhelming, it’s helpful to have tools you can use to keep them alive if an overdose occurs. Naloxone blocks the opioid receptors in the brain to restore respiration after someone has stopped breathing. Thousands of Staten Islanders have been trained to respond. Our goal is not necessary to have naloxone in every home, but to make sure it is available at every overdose.
Training is available virtually or in person for individuals or groups. You can schedule a community training for free by contacting our harm reduction team. Group trainings take about an hour. Participants will either take home a naloxone kit or can have one mailed to your home after virtual trainings.
If you have an expired naloxone kit, we can exchange it for you. Expired kits often work for some time but are less reliable, so please try an expired kit in an emergency (an expired dose will not hurt the person) and call 718-808-1824 to get a new one.
To confidentially report a reversed overdose or to get new supplies, stop by 166 Port Richmond Ave. or call us at 718-808-1824.
*Trainings available in Spanish. Entrenamientos disponibles en Español.